In order to comply with insurance requirements, all participants (and Race Directors) must be current members of Triathlon BC.  Membership to Triathlon BC comes in two forms; Annual Membership (purchased online, through affiliated Clubs or individually), and Day of Race (DOR), one-event Membership sold through each event’s registration or on event day.

Day Members enjoy all the same insurance coverage as annual members.  Day fees now include the mandatory Triathlon Canada fee. Race Directors remit Day of Race fees to Triathlon BC based on the following fee schedule:

Purchased by athletes at the event (or online), Day membership is valid for one race, or one event, only.

Day Of Race fees are collected from non-Triathlon BC members at the time of registration.  There should be a reduced race entry fee for Triathlon BC members, reflecting the need for Day Of Race membership required by non-members (as described above).

Annual Triathlon BC Membership Card

The annual Triathlon BC membership is valid from January 1st through to December 31st of each calendar year  Annual members must be able to produce a membership card, with a unique identifying membership number prior to registration.  Failure to produce this information may jeopardize insurance coverage.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to provide insurance coverage, ALL participants in a sanctioned event, including the Race Director, MUST be Triathlon BC members (Annual or Day). Failure to comply with this stipulation may jeopardize insurance coverage for and at your event.

Triathlon BC membership is an insurance requirement; failure by the Race Organizer to ensure either membership or day-of-race fee is paid will result in insurance coverage being declared null and void. The Race Director will be responsible for verifying membership, and for collecting all Day-Of-Race fees and Day-Of-Race membership information, forwarding both to Triathlon BC within 30 days of the listed event date.

It is highly recommended that Events host registration on the National Triathlon Registration System (NTRS). The registration system, overseen by North Vancouver’s CCNBikes, automatically references for membership, and remits payment to both, the Race Director and provides Post Events fees to Triathlon BC seamlessly.

Unless previously approved by Triathlon BC, Race Directors hosting multiple events within the calendar year must resolve full payments on an event by event basis.  Insurance certificates will not be released until previous payments have been submitted.